RE Verse reading–Acts 4:5-31 (day one) “When they saw the courage (boldness) of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished.” (vs 13) When the Scripture speaks of boldness, it translates a word that means “all speech” (parrhesia). It describes the person who is not intimidated, does not hesitate to speak the truth for fear of the consequences, a person who says all that God has given them to say, no “punches pulled”. Most of us know how easy it is to be silenced by the potential of negative reaction. We tip-toe around conversations rather than offend. Little do we realize the disloyalty this is to the God who filling us and giving us words to say. James 4:17 says “to one who knows the right thing to do, and does not do it, to him it is sin”. Our text this week applies this truth to us when we know what should be said.
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Lord I pray that I be moved in a way to have the (parrhesia) experienced by the desciples. It is impossible for me to express how wonderful and moving the word of God is in Acts.
I prayed for you today that God’s perfect Will would be done in your life….that you would hunger for and receive (by faith) the fullness of the Spirit that would lead to such boldness….for His Glory alone! God Bless you. Amen.