RE Verse reading–Acts 3:1-10 (day six) “When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money” (vs 3) It is ironic. The man asked them for money. What he really needed was healing. He just didn’t know that healing was possible so he never allowed himself to hope or ask. Aren’t we the same? We fix our hopes on a vacation when what we really need is inner peace. We pray for our kids to be OK when what our kids really need is parents who example the way to walk with in the Spirit. Maybe we think it selfish to ask God for the “big thing”. Maybe it seems more realistic to ask for “just enough to get by”. The Bible says the opposite. “Call unto Me and I will answer. I will show you great and mighty things” (Jeremiah 33:3) Most of us don’t want too much from God. Most of us don’t want enough.
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So true!
I have been on the most amazing journey lately. God has shown me that the focus of my desires plays such a huge role in determining my experience. When my desire is for things of this world it brings turmoil/anxiety/pain, etc. However, when my desires are for God’s Kingdom, they bring Life and peace… (For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace Rom 8). Knowing this verse is one thing…. experiencing it quite another. Of course, if you do not experience it, you do not really know it.
So where there is torment/pain/anxiety/unmet expectations, etc. what is necessary is to check my desire and repent/turn that desire over to God and because I Trust Him, honestly turn my will to His Will alone for that situation. Amazing thing is, it totally works. Probably the most freeing thing I have ever experienced (other than my salvation of course). Reminds me of the verse, “For you first, God raised up His Servant and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.” (Acts 3)
As I was getting my hair cut I found the Lord speaking through me to my stylist about relationships. I found myself talking to her about deep spiritual truths and she was tracking everything I said. As I told her the real point of relationships is to give you an opportunity to love and serve others…. she was surprised that I would say such a thing and then sheepishly said, “well he is to take care of my needs too, right?” I told her that my experience/relationships have taught me that it is possible to be so “good” from the standpoint of your relationship with God that you honestly are “good” in general. Rather than your relationships being two needy people just trying to use one another to get their needs met, you can be the one who can just focus on them (through Him and then rejoice with exceeding joy as you see Him meet your needs). One can actually wake up and say okay, God…. who are we going to love/serve/save today? Who seeks after that sort of relationship with God?… you are right…. we often don’t want enough. I am so glad I now know it is possible!