Courage x 3

RE Verse reading–Mark 10:17-31 “When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving” (vs 22)  “He didn’t run” may be the highest compliment.  One of my tasks as a leader, and human, is to see problems, seek the Lord and then be willing to pay the price of a solution.  Courage x 3.  Hard to do.  Even Jesus said so.  (see vs 23)  To see the situation, to call it by it’s right name requires courage.  To seek the Lord, to wait for wisdom does as well.   To follow the Spirit, to “not turning left or right” is the hardest step of all.  Given these realities, I am especially challenged by this story.  The RYR had courage to admit the problem.  He knew his heart was restless and empty of assurance.  He was intrepid enough to ask for help from Christ.  What he lacked, however, was the courage to act. God forbid that we should fall short in the same way.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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