RE Verse reading–Acts 2:41-47, 4:32-35 (day two) “And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common” (2:44) It is a mistake to rush to the financial aspects of this text. While not denying the testimonial power of generosity, the first miracle of Pentecost was sharing rather than giving. As the first believers walked in the power of the Spirit, they experienced the unity for which Jesus had prayed. (John 17) Old boundaries of self and independence melted away. They were all together says Luke using a word that meant “upon the self”. Possibly it referred to the new limitations that they accepted for the sake of this new society. Maybe it pictured the community built up like a wall, one resting on the other in mutual dependence. Either way, a new family was born that day. Individuals shared life before they shared money. There is no “I” in team. The first miracle of Pentecost was unity.
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1 John 4 says, “Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And He has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.”
Pretty clear… particularly disturbing given the fact that it is so common to find hatred/division/ unforgiveness in the church. As if we do not see that we are censoring the Voice/Life of the Lord through “those” people (you know… the ones for whom there is surely an exemption to this command).
My testimony is that true New Life gives you a new nature… that is to love. Certainly there is a growing process in this, but it seems to me if there is not even a desire something is very, very wrong.
We are sometimes encouraged to learn how to play well together…. for the sake of the organization…. but no matter how well you do this, if you are not born again (you are without Love) it will profit you nothing.
I love the true unity I experience with true believers. Just last week, I sensed a bond with someone I do not know, but just encountered in my daily life. As we talked, she began to tell of her experiences with the Spirit and we shared/laughed… the fellowship was sweet. Happened also with a pilot who “sensed” in me my spiritual calling. He relayed a story about how he used to make fun of “those” (charismatic) people until the Lord opened his eyes to see.
The thing is that it does not seem to me we need to work on trying to have unity as much as we need to know the God who causes those of us who know Him to be in unity. I remember a sermon about butter and BB’s. Just being together does not bring about unity…. as anyone knows who has ever sat next to someone who was cold as ice… so close…yet so far.
Father, my sincere prayer is that the body at FBCSA would know you so deeply/truly that the resulting unity would change this city. To Your Glory alone!! Amen.