Our plans and His

RE Verse reading–Micah 1:1-6, 2:1-3, 3:1-8 (day seven)  “Woe to those who plan iniquity. . .I am planning disaster against this people”  (2:1,3)  Wrath is different than anger.  More deliberate.  Wrath is God’s intentional, intelligent, eternal opposition to sin.  It is God’s determined commitment to restore the world to holiness, whatever the cost.  Micah expresses this truth in a shocking way.  He says that when men plan evil, God plans disaster.  It is both bad news and good.  Even in judgement, God is careful.  He is fair and measured.  His plan leaves a way of escape for people who turn back to Him. (see the Ninevites in Jonah)  His plan wounds but offers a path of healing.  As strange as it sounds, even in His wrath, we trust Him, draw near to Him.  The dark side of a familiar truth (“I know the plans I have for you”–Jeremiah 29:11), a planning God encourages us to fear Him and make plans that He will bless.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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