Our unsung song

RE Verse reading–Isaiah 6 (day three)  “Above him were seraphs. . .and they were calling to one another:  ‘Holy,holy,holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory’ ” (vs 2-3)  When Isaiah SAW the Lord, he HEARD seraphs.  Seraphs are not mentioned anywhere else in the Bible.  Perhaps an order of angels.  We really don’t know.  What impressed Isaiah was their words.  Part song, part statement the seraphs spoke of God’s unique identity and worth.  To do so was a high, holy privilege.  Perhaps this explains Isaiah’s conviction of sin– particularly sins of the lips.  Unclean lips are those which, unlike the seraph’s, are used for every other purpose but speaking OF  God, FOR God.  Unclean lips are those that speak of sports and family and doctor’s appointments and presidential elections. . .but somehow in it all,  stay silent about the one subject that truly matters.  The seraph’s  words convicted Isaiah of sin.  Lord, open our eyes, open our mouths!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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