RE Verse reading–Isaiah 5:1-13, 18-23 (day seven) “Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks. . .but they have no regard for the deeds of the Lord” (vs 11-12) It is so common it almost seems normal (not the same thing) –people who make life choices based on pleasure. Alcohol is only one example. Just as easy to surrender life to mood or recreation. The central characteristic of such a life? Avoid pain! Seek pleasure! Be happy! Life like this (2800 years ago and today) has no regard for the deeds of the Lord. (Please note! It is not pleasure that is the problem, but pleasure as the priority of life) Somehow, there is never time or motivation to wait on the Lord or consider His purposes. The end of this life is woe (grief, sorrow, loss). Pleasure is a mistress not a wife. The higher life is not found following our feelings, but in following Christ.
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I do not fully get your analogy between pleasure and a mistress… especially since you just got through saying pleasure is not the problem. Little foxes can be quite destructive, I understand. If only we as a nation were not so deceived that we do not see it that way.
I was listening to a song today that asks (as if God is speaking) “why do you act as if I am not enough.” It stuck out to me and then as the day went on this lesson deepened. I watched an acquaintance search for acceptance/attention in the eyes of someone inappropriate. My heart broke for this person and for all of us. We do not see how our grasping for acceptance/approval outside of God and what He has provided for us is so beneath what He has made us as (accepted) sons/daughters of God. My prayer is that He would open my eyes to be able to “see” the areas where I am doing/have done this same thing…so that I may change the way I think and move forward into all He has for me. The sermon today was great, but God reminded me that “perfect” submission is not the starting point….just start….just submit and He will work and will to bring forth this next process in my life (for His pleasure). I am not to judge others because, they too, are in a process of walking with Him. Judging them actually judges His sovereignty/plan/working in this whole process (not something I want to do!). I was thankful for this perspective.
All this is to say, at least for me, I am being called into greater submission/Lordship to Him. I am so thankful, being completely aware that this is the only thing that will work.
Father, my prayer is for all who are receiving this same call. May Your will be done. Thank you.