RE Verse reading–Isaiah 1:1-20 (day seven) “If you are willing and obedient you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword” (vs 19-20) My take away, thus far, from the prophets is a new understanding of God’s wrath. It is real. It is reasonable. After 7 weeks of Hosea, Amos and Isaiah, God’s wrath seems less like anger to me than hope–steely determination not to give up on His purpose for humanity. We were made to live in profound and powerful cooperation with Him–holy and happy. No substitutions allowed! It is a high and hard standard. Sometimes the church fails to grasp or proclaim this truth. The prophets remind us of a God who deserves our fear and respect, a God of real and reasonable wrath. Great gain is promised if we can recover this accurate vision. . . Rain or shine, I will see you in a few hours. Pastor Don
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