RE Verse reading–Hosea 1:1-11, 2:16-23 (day two) “Go, take to yourself an adulterous wife” (1:2) “Hosea is the story of a broken home and a broken heart” –Clovis Chappell. In days prosperity and moral decline, a young prophet (Hosea) meets a young woman (Gomer). She is social and beautiful. Swept off her feet by the attention of this young man with “the heart of a hero, the passion of a poet and the zeal of a saint”, she consents to marry him. But she doesn’t stay faithful. Perhaps his life and calling were harder than she expected. Eventually she drifts to other lovers and a desolute life. In the pain of his marriage, Hosea comes to see the pain in God’s heart. God is the loving husband. We are the petty, selfish, unfaithful wife. Do you hear His tears with every sin? As we study this week, we learn an important lesson. He loves us even when we break his heart.
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There is a part of me that wishes I did not have to learn this lesson… and part of me that is so thankful I did. I remember the day that I realized for myself that the issues of my heart were seen this way by God. That my not guarding my heart was idolatry/adultery before Him. So often we think of “sinner”… maybe because we are told this so often…but God sees our sin as adultery….no matter what it is, it is a heart issue. Interestingly, I find that encouraging because it seems much more attainable to let God change my heart than it does to just somehow try to stop being a “sinner.”
I found your take on this story very interesting. My Bible (to me) paints a much different picture. The Hebrew is clear that she was a “whore.” As I thought about this I thought about how this is really what the church often does prefer. To rewrite stories to make the females beautiful and the men studs. As it is, it is an absolutely breathtakingly beautiful story of the love of God who… while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8). As much as we would prefer for everyone to clean up, be beautiful and have perfect theology before they join us, this picture is far from that.
I was in a service and before it even started the Spirit had me pray for an obviously troubled female. At the end of the service she went down to the front and the normally caring/loving minister was as cold/distant as ice to her. “The sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after.” How sad my heart was that he had missed what God was trying to do. I personally have a heart for the “least of these.” I pray often that the Lord would use me to go to them and share the Good News!… He will when the time is right. What an amazing God that it is even possible.
If Pastor has not seen my first post from today, please just delete it (and this one) . If he has seen it, please let him see this as well.
I was too harsh in my post and would like to apologize. I always used to question why one should fast. I did not get it. Now I am starting to. It brings to the surface parts of your flesh/old man… that although you think are gone…. still remain to be destroyed by the Spirit. I do not mind that my impurities float to the surface during these times so that they might be removed, or even if others see it, it is just part of the process and I am moving forward with the Lord…. it must happen. I actually have been praying a lot for Pastor Guthrie and his church in the last few weeks. Not sure why I was so harsh in my post. It just set something off in me. I will hold it before the Lord so that He can change it. He will help me understand it… I am sure.
Thanks for your time.