RE Verse reading–Matthew 28:16-20 (day six) “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying. . .Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (vs 18-19) I just have one question. Why? Why would God choose to involve us in saving the world? Why would He vest frail fallible folks like us with such a responsiblity? Ok, that is three questions, but you get my point. It is for our benefit! Mountain climbers could save time and energy if they reached the summit by helicopter. They would, however, not learn anything. The point for climbing mountains is to test character and learn courage. So with us. If we are to become like the Savior we must be involved with His work–every decision, every failure, every heart-broken prayer. The reason God uses us to reach/teach the world is that He is continuing to reach/teach us. We are a force for good in the world. . .for His glory and our own good.
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I am glad I am not alone with questions over this passage… although I have way more than just three. I have spent much time this week thinking about what this passage is really saying. I am still unclear on most of it, but it seems to me Jesus had much larger plans for us than we are currently living out… maybe because these questions remain largely unanswered. I am thankful He promises to give Wisdom to those who ask.
I totally agree with your climbing mountain analogy, but also think it has something to do with Satan’s aspirations to be like God… the same thing he tempted Eve with… “you will be like God” (Gen 3:4)… Thing is that Satan will often tempt you with the very thing God has in store for your future (Jesus was slain before the foundation of the earth) but he will tempt you to take the unholy/cheap/shortcut/without God version… which will lead to death instead of the Holy/acceptable/with God version that will lead to Life.
God planned all along for us to be a part of His Kingdom. “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” Eph 3:10… and He would use it to “face” the kingdom of darkness… the very thing they sought (without God) we… frail humans… would obtain (with Him). “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” (2 Peter 1: 3-4)
Christ in us… the hope of Glory. What a great God we have!!
Another aspect might be that the Trinity lives in unbroken, beautiful fellowship where there is a never-ending stream of love/acceptance/service/sacrifice flowing from each of them toward the others. This unity is part of our “portion” on this earth. You cannot live in unity in isolation and so His plan is for us to love and serve others…. so we will be like our God. How beautiful is that!
Father, thank You that Your Ways are higher and so much better. We want to understand Your Ways more. Please give us Wisdom. Amen.