Blessed! Pressed!

RE Verse reading–Matthew 16:13-26 (day five) “Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of  Jonah’ ” (vs 17)  “From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things” (vs 21)  They go together in the Lord’s mind.  They usually don’t go together in mine.  The blessings of God are a door forward, but not necessarily to comfort and ease!  “To whom much is given, much is REQUIRED”  (Luke 12:48)  Peter had been blessed!  No argument.  He had been given spiritual insight into the eternal identity of Jesus.  But one level of spiritual growth introduces the next–the necessity of the cross.  It is a hard vision.  There would be a cross for Christ.  There would be a cross for the disciples. Comfort is not His priority.  Salvation is! When God blesses us, He presses us forward.  His gifts obligate us to become like Him in love.  “I’m pressing on the upward way. . .”

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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