Sheep among wolves

RE Verse reading–Matthew 9:35-10:31 (day three)  “Behold, I send you out as sheep among wolves” (vs 16–not printed in our curriculum book)  It was a shocking image.  Notice the word behold. (ie look here!)  A shepherd NEVER sent his sheep out among wolves.  He spent his life defending against such a possibility.  Why would the Lord do so?  It was His love!  In verse 9:36, Jesus “saw” the multitudes, and realized their desperate condition.  His love moved Him to act, to risk, to sacrifice.  Paul would later report the same.  “The love of Christ CONTROLS us” (2 Corinthians 5:14).  The Lord had no illusions that ministry would be cost free.  Jesus knew that His apostles would sometimes be ignored (vs 14) and eventually persecuted (vs 17).  He knew that His own life would be forfeit to this grand enterprise. It was still worth it the Him. May God give us such love.  May we say, at our worst moment, “He sent me here.”

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Sheep among wolves”

  1. Great post!

    I was thinking last week about how amazingly faithful and unrelenting God is in His love for the lost. I love that about Him. In my case, He shed His Love abroad in my heart (even despite the difficulties it would cause) and filled me with Joy/Peace and then surrounded me almost daily with His Jewish children. I find it interesting that what they seem to notice is the Peace. Just last week, a Jewish female who is hostile to Christianity asked me if I meditate… she is looking for Peace. I was so grateful to be able to speak with her about the role prayer and a relationship with God plays in my life. He is calling her to Himself and I am so inspired by His Love and unrelenting pursuit of her/her family. It is sweet.

    What a Good God we serve!

    Father, thank you for your unrelenting love. May You shine Your Light through our cracked/imperfect vessels even more so. Send us into the darkness! Your Will be done!!

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