A plan that will work

RE Verse reading–Matthew 9:35-10:31 (day two)  “And Jesus summoned His twelve disciples. . .(and) sent  them out after instructing them”  (vs 1, 5)  Matthew 10:5-15 is a specific plan for a specific moment in time.  It is not a paragraph of timeless missionary principles.  At this moment, the disciples were to avoid contact with Gentiles.  This would later be changed in the Great Commission (“go to all the world”)  At this moment, the disciples were to “take no bag. . .or extra tunic or sandals” (vs 10)  It was a short-term mission project and the Lord did not want time wasted on unnecessary preparation.  It is a mistake to conclude that all missionaries of all times are bound by the same rule.  The timeless truth of this passage (the one bearing on all disciples for all time) is in verse 38.  When we pray, the Lord will reveal a specific plan for harvest effectiveness.  He is the “Chief Harvester”.  He knows what will work!  Now, about prayer. . .

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “A plan that will work”

  1. Amen.

    On Sunday I sat in a hallway outside a locked door and prayed for an hour….not really thinking much about how strange I probably looked… because I knew that I was doing what He wanted me to do. Interesting how the “details” do not really matter if you are certain you are doing what He has instructed you to.

    The Spirit led me to pray for a while and then to listen to a prayer in the form of a song. It is a song that cries out for rain…spiritual rain (although I personally am convinced the atmosphere in the spiritual realm affects the natural realm). As I poured this song/prayer out to the Lord I had a calm assurance that what He had planned for that hour was accomplished. It struck me how Elija-like I am in that I so believe in prayer that I almost expect immediate change (1 Kings 18:43)…then I realized that the Lord has grown me in that I am now to the place that although I very much expect something to be accomplished, I am equally resolved that the timing is His…I no longer need to look around and try to see… I just believe…He is to be praised for His work in my life.

    As I ran this morning He reminded me that this particular song about the rain was one that I had fervently/whole-heartedly/consistently prayed/cried out to Him several years ago…. calling/hoping for spiritual awakening in this particular church. Since that time I took my eyes off this dream and placed them firmly on myself and my problems/hurts. He is such a Good God to remind me of my failures in the backdrop of the renewed hope that comes only from Him.

    I do not really know what He is “up to” but I know He is working and I am willing to play whatever part He gives me (Ps 84:10)…because He is indeed the Lord of the harvest.

  2. Pastor, thank you for shepherding your flock well. This daily conversation is of more value than you realize…especially for new parents. 🙂

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