RE Verse reading–Matthew 9:35-10:31 (day one) “Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” (vs 38) Was this a trick? Were the disciples instructed to ask God to “send workers” to soften them up for their own mission assignment? No. Unless we care for the whole harvest, we are ill-prepared to accept responsibility for any part of it. Until we can pray “Thy kingdom come” (and mean it for every nation and every church) we cannot pray “Here am I send me” and avoid the self-centeredness that sometimes cripples mission efforts. We are part of a large and godly enterprise! Part of our weekly worship at FBC is an invitation to pray for lost friends. Until we earnestly desire their salvation, how can we be useful to God? Calling us to pray for workers is no trick! The way God brings in His harvest is to teach the church to pray.
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