The first shall be last

RE Verse reading–Matthew 8:18-22 (day three)  “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” (vs 20)  It is ironic.  Man (the highest creature) when he accepts his highest assignment (following Christ) often becomes lower than the animals.  They have homes.  Followers of Christ have no guarantee.  Most of us need to be regularly reminded that spiritual ministry is a costly enterprise.  “Death works in us, but life in you” said Paul in honest assessment of the missionary life. (2 Corinthians 4:12)  Christ identified the same principle.  “The first shall be last” ( Matthew 19:30)  Followers are first in insight, but often last in privilege.  We are first in responsibility,  but last in recognition from the world.  Like the eager scribe, all of us are well served by being warned.   There are dangers ahead, sacrifices to be made.  Consider carefully before you decide to follow Christ!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “The first shall be last”

  1. I feel like there needs to also be a “truth in lending statement” as well. Before one considers the earthly benefits of not following the Lord (heaven forbid), knowing the tiny, little details…that Satan conceals…. might make the decision easier.

    For myself personally, my testimony is like the song “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”

    Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    This literally happened to me. I sat down in prayer and, after encountering the Lord, stood up to an entirely different world view. I knew I would never be/look at things the same… I have not even years later.

    However, for those who may be considering their options…. the fine print is that neutral is not an option. The reason you need a Savior is because you already are a slave… to sin. I heard a great sermon this week from a person formerly addicted to drugs. I love the purity of the lives of those truly set free by the Power of God. They know that they were in bondage/slavery and are often so truly grateful and confident in the Lord. Often, however, as the religious leaders in Jesus’ day people think… “we have never been slaves” and thus do not see their need for a Savior.

    The real fine print, however, is that we are meant/made to worship God…. so we will worship… the question is just whether it will be God or the enemy of your soul….whose purpose is to torment and destroy you. The pastor I mentioned above said humanity has always sacrificed their children to that which they worship. The Lord expanded this in my mind to include all of my seed (time, thoughts, desires, money, opportunities, etc.) We will worship (give ourselves to/invest in something)… the question is whether we will invest in the kingdom of darkness (thinking we are just taking care of ourselves) or will we invest in the kingdom of Light. The first leads to death and the second the ETERNAL LIFE…To me, thinking of it in this way makes the decision much easier.



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