A safe and generous place

RE Verse reading–Matthew 7:1-27 (day six)  “Ask and it will be given you” (vs 7)  This simple command is the secret of Jesus Christ.  It is a summary expression of His deep faith.  The universe (created and ruled by the Father) is a safe and generous place.  Ask!  Your Father will give you good gifts. (vs 11)  This is why we are taught not to worry. (6:25)  Worry keeps the responsibility.  Trust releases it to God.  This is why we should enter the narrow gate and stay on the narrow road.  A relationship with God is so valuable, so good that sacrifices are small.  We shall be safe so long as we stay on the road.  Before dismissing this childlike confidence as unrealistic, we should consider the outcomes.  What kind of person was the Lord?  What kind of peace and love did He display?  What kind of people would we be if we knew that we were profoundly safe and cared for?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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