The few

Re:Verse reading–Matthew 7:1-27 (day four)  “The gate is small and the road narrow that leads to life, and only a few find it” (vs 14) It is something that we “know” if we are honest with ourselves.  More people talk about being Christian than actually are, and the really narrow gate is obedience rather than doctrine  “Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (vs 24)  Not everyone who hears the Lord puts what they have heard into practice.  The shocking truth of Matthew 7 is that all of these people are “Christian” in name and reputation.  They are false prophets.  They are trees without fruit.  They are people who call Jesus Lord (even prophesy in His name) but do not obey Him.  Christ is being honest.  We should be honest too–about ourselves, our families, our nation.  It will help us pray.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “The few”

  1. The litmus test (for me) is love…. not earthly “love”…..but God’s Love. It seems religion can take you all the way up to the line of Love, but cannot cross it because it is God who sheds His love abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit which is given to us. (Romans 5:5). This is my opinion at least…was just thinking about this yesterday on the drive home.

    This week, rather than discouragement, the Lord has been helping me to channel my concern for the spiritual LIFE of others into more productive action by recognizing Him as the Lord of the harvest and learning to sit at His feet until He tells me what to do… even in prayer. Honestly, it seems so much easier to just decide what I think should be done and pray for that, but He is teaching me how to submit even this to Him.

    I hope I learn this lesson well.

    Father, thank you that Your Grace is sufficient for us!

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