Re: Verse reading–Matthew 5:1-16 (day five) “Jesus did not say ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’ because they are poor in spirit. . .He was not making poverty or mourning a meritorious condition” (Dallas Willard) Some teach Jesus’ words with this interpretation. They propose a new legalism, a new way to be blessed by God. If not a “salvation through works”, at least “salvation through attitude”. “If I can just be poor in spirit, or grieve my sins. . .” Big mistake! The Beatitudes are NOT Jesus teaching us how to be blessed. They are His declaration of the unlimited reach of the blessings that come to us in the Kingdom of God. Everyone is included! Shy people, broken hearted people, overweight, HIV positive people (you fill in the blanks to make it contemporary and clear). Those that we dismiss as burned-out and beyond help are invited into blessing! “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” Joy to the WORLD!
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