What did Jesus believe?

Re: Verse reading–Matthew 5:1-16 (day three)  The question may be too high for me, but judging from the Sermon on the Mount I am convinced that we can reach some conclusions about the mind and heart of our Lord.  He BELIEVED that eternity matters more than time, that pains suffered in this life will be more than compensated by the rewards and peace of the next.  He BELIEVED that the Kingdom would come.  It was a certainty in His mind.  He BELIEVED that courage is required from us who love God, that “salt can lose it saltiness” by getting discouraged or cautious or self-protective.  He BELIEVED that loss of courage is a mistake.  He BELIEVED that the purpose/duty of light is to shine and that others will be motivated to glorify God if we lose our reluctance and fear.  As you read this week, will you consider the question and my conclusions?  What do you think Jesus believed?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “What did Jesus believe?”

  1. Both Matt 5 and Luke 10 are chapters I do not have a good grasp on. This is definitely an opportunity to ask the Spirit for Wisdom and clarification… that I would understand what He needs me to understand in order to do what He wills me to do.

    I agree with your thoughts with the addition that for me Light is Jesus and rather than somehow make ourselves shine out of purpose/duty, I see it more as just submitting/surrendering to Him (since He dwells within us) and letting Him (Light) shine out into the world through us. I also love the thought that the Holy Spirit is the wind that can fan our little flame into a raging fire. (May it be so!!)

    The salt losing its saltiness also piques my curiosity. I do believe that the salt-mixture of salt(s) and impurities- (as opposed to the refined stuff most of us think of as salt) used in Jesus’ day could actually lose its saltiness (mainly because I literally believe the Word), but how and the depth of the spiritual application of this remains to be revealed to me… or at least that is my impression. As I read the Bible I always think first about what it is saying in the natural and then what it is saying in the spiritual. It usually is both. I really have come to enjoy all the types/shadows in the Bible and the messages they teach. Just shows the amazing infinite mind and timelessness of our God to me. Makes me love and trust Him more.

    As for the promises that people who are… will…I do not know if they refer to our future or to the future Jesus looked forward to, which started with the New Covenant (maybe both?). All I know is that the Comforter (Holy Spirit) is very real and present even now in the world. I have depended on Him many, many times for comfort and have never been disappointed. Also as I hunger and thrist after God, He always satisfies.

    Reminds me of James 2:5 that say “…and did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?” I was in an amazing time of worship yesterday and God impressed on my heart that He is not yet Lord of many areas of my life. He then taught me a lesson about depending upon Him… that it is trust in action… and what He is calling me to. It is one thing to say you trust… and mean it… but another thing to actually depend on Him (“faith without works is dead” and “without faith it is impossible to please God”). I think this might be why those who are “poor” in any given area are actually rich…they have an advantage in this area…. by necessity.

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