Preaching and reaching

Re: Verse reading–Matthew 4 (day six)  Jesus was a preacher. It was one of the things that marked his ministry.  Apart from truth being declared in a way that called for decisions He knew that people could not be saved.  “Repent!”, he said to the people of Galilee.  But Jesus was also a reacher.  Without intensely supportive relationships people can never learn/live the principles of spiritual life.  “Come and follow me” he said to the first disciples, His invitation into deeper friendship.  He preached truth.  He reached people for community.  Our work for Christ requires both ingredients. We must preach the truth in public and private.  “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation.” (Romans 1:16)  We must also reach people for participation in close-knit families of love and life.  “What we have seen and heard we proclaim to you that you may have fellowship with us.”  (1 John 1:3)  Have others heard the truth from you?  Have they felt your invitation into deeper friendship?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Preaching and reaching”

  1. Apparently not… if my life is any indication.

    From reading scripture, it has became clear how important people really are. Of course, we know this and yet loneliness and isolation are everywhere (even in the church) in our current society. If we truly valued people, I do not think this would be so. I just spoke to a very social, very well-like person last week who mentioned she is thankful for busyness because it does not let her have time to become lonely. One thing for sure is that God values people. I recently lost my keys (actually my toddler hid them) and in a time of prayer God was able to focus my mind/heart on the fact that He feels about people the way I was feeling about my keys. I became very aware of how He misses/longs for the ones who are not in fellowship with Him… the lost. His desire is that they would be saved/know Him. Of course, we also know this and yet claim to love Him despite interacting daily with the lost and often time not even caring.

    For me, I have decided to make it my ambition that I will not let those around me starve for the attention/affection I could so easily give them (or more accurately He could give them through me). I am far from doing this well, but it remains my ambition none the less. I am learning that the more “difficult” people are… the more they need His Love/acceptance. It is the people that we really have reasons in the natural to stay away from that we should go to and love that they might repent and come into LIFE. May He give us Grace and open our eyes this Christmas season to those around us. May we see them through His eyes. Amen.

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