Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:7-8,11-15 (day seven) Today at FBC we will observe the Lord’s Supper. I am always glad when we do. Things are clearer when my eyes are on the cross. In 1 Corinthians 11 Paul insists that the Lord’s Supper must be observed by a unified congregation. Our reading today reminds that the unity required is larger than local. It is solidarity with believers around the world. As he encourages a “special offering” for Christians in Jerusalem, Paul remembers a line from Exodus 16 and the Manna story. “He who gathered much did not have too much (because he shared), and he who gathered little had no lack (for the same reason)” We are in this together! May the services today in our church, and in churches around the world, bind our hearts to the Lord and to each other. Having each other is just another reason we have to be thankful. I will see you this morning and tonight for the Celebration of Gratitude.
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