Voluntary giving

Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:7-8,11-15 (day three)  I’m in the minority on this subject but I don’t believe that giving is a commandment for New Testament believers.  The Old Testament had the tithe.  It was the law.  A set percentage.  The New Testament requires something much harder–voluntary giving.  In 2 Corinthians 8:3 the Bible says “they gave voluntarily”. 8:8 says “I do not say this as a command”.  8:10 calls this whole conversation “advice”. 9:7 says that we are not to give “under compulsion”. New Testament life (life in the Spirit) is larger and better and higher than law.  We do not give because we have to , we give because we choose to.  As recepients of God’s grace, we feel the obligation and privilege of giving to others and to the cause of the Kingdom.  God would rather have my heart than my money.  He would rather have my will than my wallet.  Until He does, He is willing to wait.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Voluntary giving”

  1. I agree. Jesus said, “where your treasure is, your heart will be so also.” Our giving is a heart thing. Thankfully, it is also a relationship thing. Whether we are giving time, love, money, prayer or whatever, we should do so out of our relationship to Him. I know very well this painful lesson… in my case in relation to my heart. I have learned that I must love from Him and never above/outside of Him… or any other way. I always wondered how we were to love one another deeply and yet love Him with all our heart. When I started to see the plan of loving Him only (the wholly desirable/all together lovely One) and then allowing Him to love them through me, it all started to fall into place. It seems it is the same with finances. When He has our all then 100% of what we “have” is His. He calls the shots and manages it as is appropriate… what a relief…He will do this and the freedom is amazing. All we have to do (oh, that we could do it better) is love Him, trust Him, listen to Him and obey Him.


    Thanks so much for all You are to us. Thanks so much for showing us how to live… for breaking our chains as we hand them over to you. For being absolutely trustworthy/faithful in every aspect of our lives as we hand them over to you. You are worthy of all Glory, Honor, Power, Dominion, Praise … FOREVER!


  2. ya know? i never thought of it like that! i’m limiting God when i think of meeting the percentage. It keeps me focused on the percentage instead of focused on God. If i give more than the percentage, then pride can set in. Instead of calculating where i’m at to make sure i’m even, i can be free from counting and free to enjoy the blessing and the giving without limits.

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