Controlled by the love of Christ

Re:Verse reading–2 Corinthians 5:11-21, 6:1-2. (day two)  Paul is talking about his motivation, how and why he continues to serve Christ in the face of such opposition.  One motivation is “the love of Christ”.  Not Paul’s love for Christ.  Christ’s love for Paul.  Proven on the cross and daily refreshed through reflection.  “It controls us” he says in verse 14. The greek word sunecho means “to hold together”.  Like a yoke holds the energy of a team of oxen together, focusing their strength in a productive direction, so the cross of Christ is to harness and focus us in the direction of missionary service.  Does the cross of Christ do this for you?  Are the thoughts of his death  so present in your mind that it has this influence?   “We love because He first loved us” is true only for those who accept the cross as their vision for life.  When we meditate on His love, it controls what we do.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Controlled by the love of Christ”

  1. Father,

    Thank you for showing me some of the ways that I have not let your love control me to the point that I preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace… Eph 4:3.

    Thank you for helping me realize where I have recognized others according to the flesh and not according to Your amazing Love for them and their potential for reconciliation to You.

    Thank you that where sin increases, Grace abounds all the more!


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