Resurrection removes the sting of death

“Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55)  No one denys that death has a significant sting at the present time.  The loss of a loved one can be devastating.  More than once I have heard a grieving person express, “I knew it would be hard to lose him.  What I didn’t expect was to lose ME.”  The resurrection will remove this sting.  When God restores all people to life, we will look back over our years and wonder at the dread we felt for the experience of death.  Like a scorpion without a tail, and therefore without a stinger, death will be a grotesque but harmless reminder of what the creation was like when we once lived under the curse of God for sin.  This is no small vision!  This is no small hope!  We serve a cosmically good God who will restore all things and remove the sting of death.  Let’s gather tomorrow and celebrate this hope.  Don

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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