Thoughtful Christians

I appreciated Bryan Richardson’s message this past Sunday.  His point that the Corinthians, for all their problems, were “seeking the good” (by asking Paul questions) made an impression on me.  Are we seeking the good?  Are we asking questions?  It will be an important consideration as we begin this week’s reflection on 1 Corinthians 8 and 10.  In these passages Paul teaches us how to make godly choices on contemporary moral issues.  But, how can Christians absorb and apply the whispered wisdom of the Spirit without time to think and pray?  Nothing that Paul has to say will make a difference in the person who races from one day to the next.  “Be still and know” says the Scripture.  All of us who desire the way of Christ will take time daily to consider the principles which govern our new life.  As we “think on these things”, the Spirit will guide us to make gradual and powerful changes(repentance).  Bless you, dear friend, as you begin this day in quietness before the Lord.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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