One of the values of the scripture is it’s relevance. Since human nature never changes (nor God’s), at some level every story is about us and our relationship to the Lord. Where are you in 1 Corinthians 5? Are you the Christian who knows that something should be confronted but is reluctant to do so for friendship’s sake or distaste for conflict? Are you the person who loves Christ but has surrendered to private sin only to find that it isn’t private anymore and your church is experiencing the weakening effect of your life? Are you the leader with a clear conscience, willing to act but aware of the danger involved with any act of church discipline? Long before the church acts in corporate strength, God intends a series of individual encounters which warn and plead for repentance. (cf Matthew 18) We are called to this courageous love by Christ Himself. Where are you in this picture? I will see you tomorrow morning in worship. My love to you, dear friend.
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