Nehemiah was angry. He was also wise enough to “consult with himself” (vs 5:7) before he said something he would regret. Nevertheless, he was very angry that some of the leaders of Jerusalem were “not playing on the team”, not working toward agreed-on purposes. He was seeking the welfare of the city, they were seeking personal gain. They were “selling” their brothers (vs 8) at the very moment that he was “paying the price” (both personal and financial) for them to be free. They were pulling. He was pushing. Do we ever find a similar situation in modern churches? families? nations? As we come to worship this morning, please look around and consider, “Are all of these people here for the same purpose?” “Are we working together?” “Are we on the same team and, if not, what must be done to learn and experience the unity of the Spirit?” I am looking forward to seeing you in a few hours. We have much to talk about together. My love to you dear friends, Don
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Very thought-provoking post. Makes me think hard about what the goal is. While, for me, building a church is not the goal (I see that as God’s job)… knowing what the goal is not does not help much. I have been in a season of not belonging and not knowing where to focus my energy. I am feeling healed and ready to move to the next step. However, I do not know what that is. For me, loving God with my whole heart is the goal, but what does that look like? How do I do that? Where do I belong?
Looks like I have a lot of questions to take before the Lord in prayer. While I wish I could have just skipped this whole season, I am trusting Him to work it all out for Good. Thanks for the post!