It came one night this week as I slept–a burden to “get the word out” to people who do not know God through trust in Christ. It is a focus that I often lose. I get so caught up in the immediate and urgent (me) that I forget the truly important (others). Sometimes, God be praised, He uses difficulty in my life to wake me. Problems tend to loosen my grip on “right now” and help me consider “someday”. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were captured and carried away, but used mightily in the conversion of Nebuchadnezzar. Would they have even known him apart from their suffering? Fascinating! God does not see them (see me) as a victim. He regards us as sons and servants of an eternal plan. May the Lord make us like these 3 remarkable young men–faithful even when life falls apart. I will look for you in a few hours. What a privilge we have to study His word! Don
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