If God is our Father

If God is our Father, then we must be children.  “Unless you are converted and become as children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven, and whoever humbles himself, even as this child, is greatest in the kingdom” (Matt 18:3-4)  Praying the Jesus-prayer means that we embrace the joyful dependence of a child.  It means we reject any sense of self-sufficiency, every burden of self-reliance.  The aspect of childlikeness that Jesus is affirming is humility, says John Piper.  ” If my people will humble themselves and pray”. . .either you will be certain that you are adequate for the challenges of life, or you will be certain that He is adequate.  When you pray, today, will you be a joyful, confident child?

(re: post from Jan 8)

Holy ground

Have you ever been to a holy place, a place where you felt the need to be silent and respectful?  Maybe a cemetery or a sanctuary?  William Barclay says that  “hallowed be thy name” is often the least understood part of the Lord’s prayer.  When  Jesus used an adjective (holy) as a verb (let it be regarded as holy), he was teaching me to pray that people (all people, including me) would have a similar reaction of respect and reverence for God (His name).  God’s command is “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:12) but stillness, much less reverence is, often, NOT what we give Him.  Today, ask God for this miracle!  Ask Him to open our eyes so that a deep stillness will come over our hearts as we think about the Lord and speak to Him in prayer.

(re: post from Jan 7)