Preaching and power

In 1 Thessalonians 1: 4-6, Paul describes the conversion of the Thessalonians.  “The word of God came with POWER” he remembers with fresh reverence years later.  The power came from a combination of factors–the example of Paul and his companions (vs 5), the gracious choice of God (vs 4), the preaching of the gospel (vs 5).  Like the word of Christ that called Lazarus from the grave, the word that saved the Thessalonians was not something to be considered or debated, IT EFFECTIVELY CALLED THEM TO LIFE.  What a sad contrast to the preaching of Amos.  Our study this week has been a fresh warning to us that “good seed” can fall on hard ground.  When Amos called the people of Israel to new life, they said “no thank you, we already have a religion “.  Today as we gather for worship at FBC, will the power of God be present for healing?  Will the preaching of the word call us to LIFE?  I am praying for you and with you.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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