
Good morning!  It is nice to be back with you in “real time”.  Our vacation was a gift.  Time to read and pray and run and rest and be with Miss Holly.  Thank you.  This week our church family begins reading the book of Amos.   I hope you will read reflectively every day. I hope you will scan the whole book.  Amos declares the judgement of God on the nation of Israel.  “The Lord roars from Zion. . .the summit of Carmel dries up.” (1:2)  His words sound like our nation.  A drought of rain.  A drought of energy and hope.  Things are dry!  As you pray the Lord’s prayer this morning, will you do so with the awareness that many others are seeking the Lord with you?  We are praying in concert!  Many voices. . .forgive us OUR sins. . .deliver US from evil.  We are in this together.  He promises to hear us.  I am praying with you, dear friend.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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