How would you describe the activity of Heaven? How do the citizens of that BRIGHT LAND do God’s will? Joyfully? Immediately? Wholeheartedly? Completely? The Puritans used to say that “God loveth adverbs”. ie how we do God’s will is as important as that we do it. Honest, what is your attitude about doing God’s will today? Do you complain? procrastinate? accomplish the bare minimum? When I pray the Lord’s prayer, I sign up for more than doing His will. I surrender myself to doing it in a heavenly way! May this reflections on the words of Christ and our memories of His wholeheartedness inspire all of us as we make our way to a place of worship this morning. What would worship on earth look like if it were patterned after the worship in heaven?
(re: post from Jan 9)
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