In 1 Corinthians 14:15 Paul says “I will pray with my mind.” (sometimes translated “understanding”) He says that the power of prayer is linked to our thoughts. Prayer is not magic, words that have power apart from our understanding. When the Lord taught his disciples to pray, He was shaping their thoughts. Christians are to think what Jesus thought, feel what Jesus felt. When we speak of sins we should feel the tragedy. When we speak of heaven we should feel the comfort. (John Piper) Submission is required. In order to think like the Lord, we must renounce our previous ideas. To understand we must stand under the truth as God reveals it. This week as we pray the Lord’s prayer, let us surrender to the truth he reveals to us about Himself, Heaven, History and the Human Race. Are we teachable? “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:7)
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