When we say OUR Father, prayer stops being private. Every morning as we pray, the Lord intends us to invite others into our prayer closet. They join us. They are in our minds as we speak with Him. God so loved the WORLD. Our prayers are to reflect the same love. We are to have a “list of 10” people for whom we are praying salvation. We are to think of our “enemies”, the people to whom we offer forgiveness even as we seek it for ourselves. Hungry people should be there with us and people who need God’s guidance. Our church should be there. Our nation too. It’s a convention! If saying FATHER is the end of fear and saying HEAVEN is the end of despair, saying OUR is the end of selfishness. May the Lord open our hearts to a wide world of need. May He teach us to love. May He teach us to pray.
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This is the last full day of PPBC youth camp in Glorieta and I wanted you to know how much of an inspiration your daily message has been to me! We are at a fuge camp here and it has been great! Thanks again for how much you have meant to me in my life and how much you continue to be!