The second petition of the Lord’s prayer is “Thy Kingdom come”. It is a logical extention of the first. When we “hallow” God’s name (an inward attitude of fear, respect and love) we also obey Him. The prayerful Christian desires this right relationship with God for every person on the planet. So, daily we ask God to establish His rule and sweet order over all situations and people. “If I with the finger of God, cast out demons, no doubt the kingdom of God is upon you.” (Luke 11:20) We also ask God to establish His rule over the attitudes and actions in our own lives. “For the kingdom of God is . . .righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) The kingdom is as deep as it is wide. It involves the continued transformation of those who are saved as well as the new birth of those not yet saved. Friend, today will you pray for both?