Slow down

Some Christians resist the use of the Lord’s Prayer as prayer.  The reasons are too many to discuss here.  One for which I have some sympathy is that the words of Christ may become “meaningless repetition.”  It is not always so but the danger sign will be that we rush through the prayer without careful thought or reverence.  We will “say the prayer”–not realizing that the Lord was not so much giving us words to say as subjects to discuss with our Father.  There are 7 subjects, 7 requests that we make.  His name, His kingdom, His will.  Our need for food, forgiveness, guidance and deliverance.  Today friend, will you consider what you are saying to God?  Ask yourself!  Which of these subjects is more a matter of words than heart for me?  Since it is Saturday, perhaps the Lord will give you time to slow down for the privilege of prayer.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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