What I see, what I say

Even with the words of Christ, we must be reminded that prayer is always more than words.   Philip Yancey points to the fact that the important thing is not what I say, but what I see.  “Prayer has become for me much more than a shopping list of requests to present to God.  It has become a realignment of everything. . .In prayer I shift the view away from my own selfishness. . .I gaze at the stars and recall what role (small) I play in a universe beyond my comprehension.  Prayer is the act of seeing reality from God’s point of view.” (Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?)  Today as you pray, will you focus on the Lord and learn a new perspective on yourself and your needs?  Like Job, will you embrace a big God and your own smallness?  Look up, dear friend!  Let what you see shape what you say!

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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