Holy Week: Saturday

“that through death he might. . .deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.”  (Hebrews 2:15)   On Saturday of Holy Week, we remember that Jesus was dead.  He  never leads us into darker rooms than He, Himself, has gone.  Having tasted death Himself, He can support us while we taste it. He can guide us through it to the other side.  “Death without Christ is the ‘king of terrors’, but death with Christ loses the sting, the power to hurt that it otherwise would have.”  (J.I. Packer)  This is why the Apostle’s Creed says “He descended into Hell”.  Not because the Lord went to the place of retribution for the godless, (Gehenna)  but because He went to the place of the dead (Hades).  He really died, and can , therefore,  really guide us when that day comes for us.  We pray today to a God who understands!  He leads us by walking the path with us.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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