“If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7) There are not two separate streams of prayer rising up to the Father, one from the Risen Christ and one from His people. It is ONE stream. Our life-union with Him guarantees our prayer-union. (Andrew Murray) As we remain in Christ, as we obey Him and reflect on His word, we come to KNOW HIM and what He is desiring from the Father, both for us and for the world. As the Intercessor lives in us, we begin to voice His concerns rather than our own. When the Lord gave us the Lord’s prayer, He was teaching us the words and ideas of prayer. How much better will we pray, and with more confidence, when we have not only His words but His very life to guide us forward! If you ABIDE in me. . .ASK!
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