When we call God “Father” as Jesus taught us to do , what evidence do we have that it is so? It is a privilege that does not belong to everyone. “We have God as our Father”, said the Jews in John 8:41. Jesus denied it. “Your Father is the Devil” (John 8:44) So, how do we know that we are His children? We look for obvious signs. A true child of God “crys Abba Father” (Romans 8:15) Fervency in prayer (cry) and intimacy in relationship (Abba) are indicators. A true child is “born of the Spirit”. (John 3) He is led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14) and has the witness of the Spirit within himself (Romans 8:16). There are other indications which we will name tomorrow. For today, when you call God “Father” what evidence can you see that you are truly His child?