Where do you live?

Dr James Rosscup is a professor at Master’s Seminary.  One semester (true story) he had a student who depended on his wife to type his papers.  One evening the student called to ask for an extension on a paper due the next day.  His wife was in the hospital and he hoped Dr. Rosscup would relax the standards and allow him to be late this one time.  But the standards were set and Dr. Rosscup would not accept the paper if it was late.  “Where do you live?” he asked.  A short time later, he arrived at the student’s home took his place at the keyboard and typed the paper for him. (Nancy Guthrie, The One Year Book of Hope)   What a beautiful picture of Christ’s work.  The standard (holiness) is unchangeable.  Unattainable for us, He comes to do it for us and in us.  When you pray today “Father forgive us” will you remember that the way He does so is to have the Savior type your paper?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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