“They suppose they will be heard for their many words” (Matthew 6:7) Danger! Just saying the Lord’s prayer, even 365 times, will not automatically accomplish the will of God nor add power or peace to your life. Without faith, we will not be heard. Meaningless is the word Jesus used to describe such activity. (see Matthew 6:7, full verse). The “power” of prayer rises from the quality of your relationship with God. The quality of your relationship with God rises from your faith! This week, we are thinking about believing prayer. As you pray this morning, ask yourself, “what do I BELIEVE the Lord will do as a result of this request?”. What are my expectations? What are His expectations of me, and which direction would my prayers go if I surrendered to His influence? NOTHING holy or helpful comes from a prayer that does not connect your heart to God in honest and vulnerable trust!
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