Heaven = future home

What was He thinking?  When Jesus used the word Heaven, what picture did He have in His mind?  What picture did He want us to form in our minds?   In John 6:38, Jesus said He “came down from Heaven”.  In Luke 24:51, the Bible reports that He was “carried up into Heaven” on the day of His ascension.  Obviously, it is a real place, and one that Jesus knew well.   It is also the home and throne of God, the nerve center of a moral and wise government of all time and space.  “Our Father, which art in Heaven”. It is also our future home.  “I go to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2)   Today, as you pray the Lord’s prayer, linger for a moment on the word “Heaven”.  Let yourself  think and feel what it is to have  a “place ” that has been “prepared” for you.  When Jesus talked about Heaven, He thought about going home.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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