“For I am the Lord who heals you. (Jehovah Rapha).” Exodus 15:26. I read an interesting statement this week. “Healing is not an activity God may choose to do or choose not to do. Healing is who He is; it is his very nature, reflected in His name.” (Nancy Guthrie, The One Year Book of Hope) I agree ,with this one caution , that the Lord’s prayer doesn’t contain a single prayer for healing. Not physical healing. (A remarkable fact given the amount of time dedicated to it in a typical prayer meeting.) What Jesus does pray is for our souls to be reconciled to God, for us to have what we need (daily bread, forgiveness, guidance, protection) to live in obedient cooperation with Him. So, when I pray for physical healing, I will also pray, and with renewed vigor, for the restoration of the soul. For Jesus, this is the truest healing of all.
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