The outward impulse

On Wednesday nights at FBC, we have been studying the book of Acts.  Remarkable picture of the early church.  Pure Christianity!  I have been impressed by the outward impulse of the Spirit’s filling.  Frequently, the first indication that a person was filled with God’s spirit was a boldness and energy to speak to others, to impact others, to escape the boundaries of private religion and make a difference is someone else’s life.  It is what Jesus predicted in John 7:38, “From his innermost being shall FLOW rivers of living water”.  Perhaps prayer is training and preparation for such an experience.  If we pray, sincerely, for OUR bread and OUR forgiveness, eventually our outlook will change from me to us.  If we pray, sincerely, for needs outside of ourselves, then gradually we become more ready to hear and participate when the Spirit calls us to do more than pray.  What a sweet gift from God!  Praying and learning the outward impulse of love.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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