Love covers

It is a common tragedy.  A Christian stuck in the “ditch of disappointment” aka unforgiveness.   We rarely say “He hurt me and now I have retained a resentment toward him”.   We give ourselves too much credit for passing through the stage of “boiling hatred” not admitting that the simmering “record of wrong” stage is still with us.  The tragedy is the impact  on our own life and energy. “Keep fervent in your love for one another for love covers a multitude of sins”. (1 Peter 4:8)   If abundant life is what you desire, one of the disciplines is to release others fully from your judgement re. their failures.  Imagine a dry, bare spot in your backyard.  Think of the work required (planting, watering, fertilizing) so that it can be covered.  Think of the daily effort, the determination.  Now think of doing that with your brother’s sin.  Hard work?  Yes.  Love?  Same answer.  “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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