The light of the world

In my church, FBC San Antonio, we are reading John 9 this week.  What did Jesus mean when He said that He was “the light of the world”?  Did He have Psalm 119:105 in mind?  Thy word is a lamp/light for my feet/path?  Was He thinking of the “cloud by day and the fire by night?” that gave the Israelites safe passage through the desert?  One of the things that light does is give us direction.  Just as red lights and green lights tell us what to do, so the Lord is our light.  He says “yes” to some things and “no “to others.  Whenever we pray, “thy will be done”, we must remember that it is the Father’s will for us to be followers of His Son.  In which direction is the light of Christ leading you today?  If He was your only consideration, your eyes only on Him,  which direction would your steps take today?

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

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