Holy Ground

Have you ever been to a holy place, a place where you felt the need to be silent and respectful?  Maybe a cemetery or a sanctuary?  William Barclay says that  “hallowed be thy name” is often the least understood part of the Lord’s prayer.  When  Jesus used an adjective (holy) as a verb (let it be regarded as holy), he was teaching me to pray that people (all people, including me) would have a similar reaction of respect and reverence for God (His name).  God’s command is “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:12) but stillness, much less reverence is, often, NOT what we give Him.  Today, ask God for this miracle!  Ask Him to open our eyes so that a deep stillness will come over our hearts as we think about the Lord and speak to Him in prayer.

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Author: Don Guthrie

Don Guthrie is the Senior Pastor at FBCSA.

0 thoughts on “Holy Ground”

  1. Isn’t it amazing when that “holy place” is wherever you are…when you purposefully become still in His presence or when God causes you to be still so that He can remind you Who he is? One of my favorite songs says:
    “In His presence I know there is joy beyond all measure
    And at His feet sweet peace of mind can still be found
    For when we have a need He is still the answer
    Reach out and claim it for we are standing on holy ground.”

    I am loving this daily prayer blog!

  2. Thank you for the time you are giving to this thought-provoking (thinking-changing) blog. I am already richly blessed, both by your words, and by praying Jesus’ words each day, contemplating, worshipping. Big thank you!

  3. I had to listen to the entire song Jamye quoted. Here is a link. Awesome lyrics….Standing on HOLY Ground.

  4. I too am loving this blog! Isn’t it ironic that even in the midst of our most hectic day or troubling times that God provides that peace and stillness and can still communicate His truths if we let Him.

  5. I love the blog. Wow, you really hit a home run with todays entry! One of my hot buttons that I need to work on…

  6. Most people think that prayer is talking to God and although that is certainly part of it, to me real prayer is mostly listening to God.

    My most memorable experience with being in a Holy Place came during an early morning prayer/praise service that I attended. I was a regular attendee and everything was basically the same as it usually is, until a man that I noticed in the past as being rather loud in his worship went up to the front of the sanctuary and began to wave with his whole body before the Lord (it immediately reminded me of an OT wave offering). Being Baptist, I thought it a little peculiar but found no real offense (thankfully for me or I might have missed what was coming. I know this story might offend some, but King David knew what it was like to dance before the Lord with all his might in an embarrassing (at least to Michal) way so I feel in good company relating this experience. We continued to worship and then I felt the heaviness that I recognized as the tangible Presence of the Lord. As I continued to worship, within maybe 5 minutes all the singing/music had stopped and we all just sat there in the Holiest/stillest atmosphere I have ever experienced. It was so quiet and still that I was afraid to swallow for fear I might break the silence, offend the Presence of the Lord. When I think about it now, I realize there really are no words to adequately describe it.

    How wonderful is our God!! How I long daily to know Him more. Although I am very aware that He is always with us and do not feel “experiences” with God should be sought after, how amazing it is to experience when He breaks through the ordinary in response to our seeking Him with our whole hearts.

    There is a song by JJ Heller that is stuck in my head today. It says, “who will love me for me… not for what I have done or what I will become… who will love me for me?” For me, it is only in His presence that I find the answer to that deep question.

  7. During the Christmas season and particularly as the new year has begun, I am keenly aware that we who are Christians are faced with unprecedented distractions which rob us from embracing consistent stillness with the God of all the ages. Our access to instant communication and information and our ability to remain in conversation with literally hundreds of people simultaneously is consuming and stimulating. While this is certainly revolutionary and profitable in our effective ways to communicate, it can also be very addictive and over-stimulating to the point that we become co-dependent. This obviously creates a barrier to slowing our minds enough to find the still, small voice of God and the accompanying eternal truths. Our 21st century distractions impact our personal devotion to our Lord and also can create the same kind of distraction and need for stimulus other than the nature, character, and person of God in our corporate worship.
    My prayer is that in 2011 I will find the absence of distractions which will undoubtedly create more intimacy with God in my personal devotion which will translate into deeper, more profound recognition of God and His will for our church in corporate worship.

    1. What you have shared concerning our high tech world of communication is worth consideration. I, too, love the sweet quiet times that eliminate distractions and magnify the presence of my Lord.

  8. Pastor
    As I have read your words and the comments of the people, I have been so blessed. This is a wonderful tool to connect God’s people. Amen….

  9. I had the awesome privilege of being with both of my parents as they passed from this life into eternity. During both of those moments, I felt the presence of God and the stirring of angels. I guess it’s strange to consider hospital rooms in small towns in Arkansas as HOLY ground, but I know God gave me a glimpse of heaven in those brief moments as He received his children, my parents, into their reward. The calmness and sense of peace was palpable…

  10. I love this “The Everyday Prayer” Pastor Don. You are so much a man of God and your words are so encouraging. May you have a healthy, happy and Blessed New Year!

  11. With great joy I entered into that quiet holy place this morning to meet with our Father where the peace and calm and sense of belonging and being loved filled my heart. Knowing that so many of you are going to the same place is so definitive of oneness and family.

  12. Pastor Don,
    I LOVE this Everyday Prayer Blog! Thank you SO MUCH for having done this! Unfortunately I am not able to get to the “brick and mortar” church as often as I would like (or need). But with your television broadcast on Sunday and now this daily blog, I feel that I am connected mentally and spiritually with you and our Lord. I wake each morning with a meditation (trying) to be still and listen to our Lord. I love the command “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:12) I then follow with the Lord’s Prayer.

    Thank you again for this opportunity to be able to worship with you and other church
    family members It helps to know that we are not alone.

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